We are currently developing our website. If there is any information you need, please call the school and ask to speak to Mr Moss (head teacher) 01904 552540. Thank you.

School Admissions

Admissions Consultation


This year's Admissions Consultation is being jointly held by all admissions authorities in the City of York between 4th October and 14th November 2021.  The consultation includes the admissions policies and planned number of places available at each school in the year(s) of entry.


All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at https://www.york.gov.uk/AdmissionsConsultation


The views of parent/carers, schools and other interested parties are being sought during this consultation.


To respond, parents/carers can email admissionsconsultation@york.gov.uk  or complete the short survey at https://www.york.gov.uk/AdmissionsConsultation or at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Admissions23-24PC


Following the consultation, each admission authority will formally set ('determine') their admission arrangements for admission in 2023-24 by 28 February 2022.  Determined policies will be on the City of York Council website by 15 March 2022 after which objections can be raised.


All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at https://www.york.gov.uk/AdmissionsConsultation. If you require a paper copy of the document or survey you can request this from education@york.gov.uk or 01904 551554



Would you like to join our School?


Governors welcome applications for places from the catchment area: Askham Bryan, Askham Richard, Angram, Bilbrough, Catterton, Healaugh and Wighill, as well as children from the fringe districts whose parents are supportive of our Christian distinctiveness and ethos. The maximum admission number agreed with the Local Authority currently 15.


For Reception children, St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School offers either full time provision from September, or, part time (5 mornings a week) for the Autumn Term leading to full time from January.


An induction meeting is arranged for new parents and an ‘Admissions pack’ provided prior to your child commencing school.


Parents of older children desiring to join the school are encouraged to make an appointment with the Headteacher to look around and meet both the class teacher and class. An admission pack is provided from the school office.



How to apply


All applications for admittance to the school are made through the York City Council. The Primary Common Application form, admission guidance for parents and details of catchment areas may be obtained either from the Council website: www.york.gov.uk or a hard copy may be obtained by contacting York Admissions on 01904 551554.

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Tel: 01904 552 540



Askham Richard,


YO23 3PD

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