We are currently developing our website. If there is any information you need, please call the school and ask to speak to Mr Moss (head teacher) 01904 552540. Thank you.

School Policies

School Policies

Document Name Date
Admissions Policy Reception 2022 2023.pdfFebruary 09 2023, 10:10:03
Admissions and in year applications 2022-23.pdfMarch 01 2023, 09:40:02
Anti-bullying 2022-23.pdfMarch 29 2023, 15:26:36
Behaviour-Policy-St-Mary's .pdfOctober 07 2023, 19:58:11
CYSCP Early Help Strategy 2021-2023.pdfMarch 13 2023, 14:40:50
Children_Missing from Education Policy_ 2022-23.pdfFebruary 09 2023, 10:07:30
Complaints policy 2023-24.docx.pdfSeptember 18 2023, 20:46:56
Equality Policy 2023.pdfOctober 17 2023, 12:44:47
Fair Access Handbook Final September 23.24.pdfSeptember 26 2023, 22:14:43
Flexi-Schooling_Policy 2022-23.pdfFebruary 09 2023, 10:08:49
LAC_Policy_ 2022-23.docx.pdfSeptember 18 2023, 20:46:56
Privacy-Notice-Pupils.pdfFebruary 09 2021, 13:42:14
RSE policy St Mary's.pdfMarch 24 2022, 13:22:35
Remote Learning Policy 2022-23.pdfFebruary 09 2023, 10:04:24
SEN Report 2023-24 St Marys.docx.pdfSeptember 18 2023, 20:46:56
School Charging and Remissions policy 2023-24.pdfSeptember 18 2023, 12:59:34
St Mary's Behaviour Chart.pdfOctober 07 2023, 19:58:17
St Mary's Code of Conduct 2023-24.pdfSeptember 14 2023, 09:54:15
St Mary's Equality Objectives Appendix A.pdfOctober 20 2023, 11:10:20
St Mary's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24.pdfSeptember 14 2023, 09:53:27
Staff Well Being Policy.docx.pdfSeptember 18 2023, 20:46:56
Whistleblowing Policy.pdfFebruary 09 2023, 10:09:15
York Pupil Premium Plus Policy 22_23.pdfMarch 15 2023, 15:34:16

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Tel: 01904 552 540



Askham Richard,


YO23 3PD

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